This blog will chronicle my journey surviving ovarian cancer

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Encouraging news

Today wedesday, was one of my best days so far. I got a 9am massage at home and it started my day on a good note. Here it is almost 6pm and I have not had a nap, or felt as if I needed one. Believe me, I will take each day as it comes, however it is great to be able to experience this!

How come I can describe what things taste like when I have never experienced it? Most food taste like a cardboard cracker with motor oil poured on it. How many of you have tasted motor oil. Somehow that is what it seems like-ugh!. Today for the first time in a while I have some taste buds. I could taste some of the ceaser salad, chicken pasta and wine. It is so encouraging to know that for a few days I can eat llike a "normal" person.

More news
Tuesday Pleasanton's support group took me to a wonderful location. Valley Care Hospital has a library devoted to books on Cancer-thousands of books. And better yet a RN oncologist who runs it. We spoke for 10 mins and set up a time on Thursday to meet. I will bring all my medications, pathology report, written dictation of surgery and program of chemo treatment.
This nurse is a communicator and will be able to explain what my cancer IS, what happened in sugery, what the chemo is, what treatment trials may be available for my unique cancer. This is truley ...UTOPIA !!!.
I wont have time pressure talking with her ( with doctors I am very aware the next patient is waiting). She will be a partner in getting ME educated, so I can make the right decisions for myself. I am learning BIG TIME-you have to manage your own care. In managing your care you NEED the information. I am really happy about finding her.
Love, Suzanne

Monday, August 28, 2006

Monday August 28

I was told that each day, the chemo wears off. I am 'feeling better", however the loss of vitality is a bummer for me. I am use to being a race horse, and my body is So I must continue to pace my self. It seems that with a few rest/naps a day I can accomplish ONE PROJECT. Like today, getting myself showered, blow dried, and light makeup also required a rest ..Packing up and traveling to my house in Dublin, required a rest. Georgianne took me to Kaiser for a blood test and then grocery shoping, yep, that requires a rest.

There is so much support in the contra costa community for me. Many cancer support type groups, moderate exercise classes. kniting classes all for free at "The Wellness Center" in Walnut Creek.
Tuesday I will go to an afternoon support group for cancer in Pleasanton. Love, Suzanne

Saturday, August 26, 2006

I did get to sleep some last night, with the help of sleeping pills. Only woke up few times. I am drinking so much water that I do have many bathroom stops!
Part of a side effect of this strong chemo drug is that you can damage your kidneys. I must drink plenty of water. I keep a sports bottle full, so I am constantly reminded to drink. Water tastes funny, kinda flat. Well, everything I put in my mouth has had a change. The only sensation I have is texture. I taste no sour, no sweet, so why eat? Just a habit I guess. I also need to keep my body healthy.
I got up at 7am feeling REALLY GOOD. I juiced carrots and apples -I was able to taste come carrot. Around 10 am I felt a drop, I am tired.
Barry dropped me off at Joe and Deb's and I was ready for a nap.
My side effects at this point seen to be:
  • Cant talk much, very hoarse throat
  • Tired
  • Brain is on slow gear-cant seem to get words wanted out of my mouth to make sense!

The meditation DVD's are very powerful. As many of you know I have done many mind awarness courses that were very helpfull.

These DVD's take a person on a mind journey that is so intimate ,positive and peaceful. At the end of each program, it leaves me feeling so peaceful and hopeful. In some cases it also points out issues in my life that need attention. I guess the work is never done!

I DO feel very HOPEFUL. I see what attention and energy it is taking for me to recover and build myself up...A LOT!

Again, thank you to all of you who understand my need to be quiet (reclusive?) with myself. I am in a different state of mind (most of you know me as vivacious and friendly). I do need this time to heal. It pleases me to be able to tell ALL OF YOU how I am doing, without having to deal with the one to one-back and forth conversations. Love, Suzanne

Friday, August 25, 2006

Friday evening
Home to Dublin, fnally!
Today has ben a long long day. No sleep untill Barry brings home a prescription from Kaiser. I just feel out of sorts. Eye site seems to have been blurred, antsy-cant sit still, no way to dose off. Taste , well its like eating carboard. I must say I thought I would have stronger side effects-but the weekend is not over. Barry will be with me tonight . Sat and Sun I will go to Joe and Debs house. Till then, Love Suzanne

It was an all nighter!
One side effect I was told was not being able to sleep. Each day the nurse would ask"how are you doing? Are you sleeping?" Yep, I WAS...till last night. I watched TV till 12 midnight, then meditated till 3am, then watched TV till it was time to get eady this am. AND I feel great.
Barry was smart, he got a room that he could set up his office and work and it included a 2cd tv, couch sitting area with microwave etc. I layed on the couch and watched midless tv, hoping to get some sleep.
My taste sensations are off, but alot of you know that over a year ago I lost alot of smell and taste ability,Dr saying only about 20 percent get it back-life goes on.
I am off to my 5th and last treatment for this week. I will keep you posted . Love < Suzanne

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Thursday 8:20pm
Same as before, no big change. I have some light head feelings, tired. Still want to eat-just not much. Feeling like I am slowing down, raspy throat, want to rest, but cannot sleep. Fri will be the last day. I will have a blood test each week at local Kaiser. Then back for another 5 day round like this. More to come. Thank you for all your calls and emails.
Some have reported that they are unable to post to the site. You can reach me at Love Suzanne

Thursday AM.
Slight nausea this AM. . Nothing more to report. I am suprised That i have not felt much, some folks report that it will add up-sooo more to come tonight. Love Suz

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

3#rd treatment results

Friends I must tell you at this points I only have slight side effects. I have a raspy voice and am tired. I was able to see the stores on Ocean Ave in Carmel. Barry and came back to the room to rest and will be in for the night. Thursday, treatment is at 10:30am. More after that session. Love Suzanne

Weds 8:15 leaving for 3rd treatment!
I will reort back soon. Thanks to all you call, write and send cards. You need to know...ALL of them make me strong! Thank you for not expexting me to call you back. I have many calls I need to make each day, Joe, Rod, Aunt Nell, Barry's sister/mother. I will keep you posted. Love Suzanne

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Insurance information IMPORTANT to YOU

Something I have forgot to tell you, and YOU MUST look into for yourself.

About 3 months ago I took out some additional insurance policies with AFLAC. Accident, disability and CANCER, These are seperate policies you can take out in addition to you regular health policies.
There was a 30 day waiting period before the cancer policy kicked in. I had my pathology report done 25 days after I qualified. I must be living right!
I have Kaiser and no hospital cost-yet AFLAC will send me a check for every day I was in the hospital, for every day a doctor came to visit (every day!), medications give to me, and it will also pay for every day I do chemo-AND MUCH more. The fee is nominal. Please look into this for you and your families.
There are 3 levels, choose which one will work for you. Love, Suzanne

Tuesaday 8pm, Aug 22
It could not have been a better day!

Thank you Nancy Maxwell for calling Susan Watson.

Friends , over more that 12-15 years ago I lived in Fresno and Nancy,Susan, and I were the "rat pack". After moving to the east coast for a few years and then to Livermore, Susan and I lost touch. I heard she married Warren Lev and I was really happy for her-I knew it would be a nice fit.
Today as I was getting my chemo treatment a nurse came to the door and said "Susan Watson is here to see you" I was shocked!
Suzan's daughter lives in Monterey and she was due for a visit.
A tearful reunion it was. I was so great to see her, she brought her friend named Mary, who I remember from Fresno.
We talked about old times, new times and a promise to stay connected. Susan, you need to know, it made my day.!
The chemo treatment went fine. They got an IV that will stay in a few days. There is no feeling of fluids going in. And so bad side effects. I am grateful.
Weds I go at 9am and will report back. But I have to tell you, this part is very smooth. I have fantastic meditation tapes. I am reading Berney Siegal's book "Love,Medicine abd Miracles" and meditation tapes-I highy recommend these. Stay tuned, Love Suzanne

Tuesday report... 1st chemo behind me

GOOD NEWS, the hardest part was getting the IV in. I felt nothing and have had NO side effects. I feel great today, went for am walk and breakfast. I will reort later on the invusion clinic. It was FABULOUS.
We are off for food and 2cd treatment. Just wanted to let you know I am OK !!love Suz

Friday, August 18, 2006

GOOD NEWS...Chemo here I come!

Friends, sorry for the delay. I have had problems with the blog company I was using. I am hoping this company will be better!

To bring you up to date:
I am feeling stonger each day. I find I need 2 naps per day to keep up.
August 11th I met with a cancer specialist in Monterey named Dr Ruban . We discussed treatment and he needed to gain more information by speaking directly with my surgeon, Dr Ewing at Kaiser Oakland.

All has been resolved.

Kaiser will furnish ALL MEDICATIONs to Dr Rubin to administer for my treatment. Kaiser will perform all needed test and be open arms to me for anything I need locally.

My treatment will begin this monday. It will be M-T-W-TH-F. Barry and I will be staying in a hotel in Monterey.

I am excited about starting the 2cd phase of my recovery.
I will keep you informned as events occur. love Suzanne

How it all began-facing reality

When a doctor says "you have cancer", you think you are hearing him talk. It really is like the movies where you see his mouth moving, you know he is talking in slow motion, however your head is are in disbelief. It’s as if someone took a 2x4 and whacked you in the head-SHOCK.
Thank you friends, your support of prayers and concern is overwhelming. I want to keep all of you informed of my journey. I am a strong woman and I am going to fight this. I will be a survivor.
Here it is 3 weeks after hearing those words and my mind is still reeling (good reason to have someone with you for all doctor visits-they can take notes).
How it started:
I was back into my body building mode, working with a trainer, eating chicken breasts and etc. I was doing lots of cardio and I was making progress. And then I hit a 6 to 8 week period where I couldn’t lose a pound, no matter how I adjusted my diet program. My stomach stayed bloated and hard (yes, I thought it was all those sit ups!). I would feel my stomach and say "wow, those sit ups are working, if only I could lose this fat". I resigned myself to have a rounded tummy, thinking that when you get older you get a paunch belly. I was also going to the bathroom a lot. For work I usually I spend a lot of time in the car and carry a BIG bottle of water. I had to discontinue that. I couldn’t get to enough bathrooms. I excused it to the commercials you see on TV...gotta go, gotta go, gotta go, it was the aging factor I thought. My bowel movements were changing, but I thought this was because of the ""super food drink" I was using. I had some pelvis pain, but thought it was gas. Looking back I can see how it all ads up, however these things came one at a time.One night in bed, I was lightly tapping on my stomach, hmmm...this feels like a knot. I saw my GYN a few days later, she did a pelvic exam and says "don’t you feel this"? She was pressing on my left side ovary area. She says "this is the size of 15 weeks" (no I'm not pregnant; they measure the size by pregnancy weeks). She tells me don’t worry, I see this all the time, they are fibroid tumors. Sends me home for the weekend-I am out of my mind. It took 2 weeks to get an appointment for a sonogram. The sonogram confirmed it was fibroid tumors. I even had a second opinion from a respected Pleasanton doctor who recommended a lapryscopic hysterectomy. He says,” get it all out, you don’t need those parts any more. I thought yes that would be the best choice. Looking back, I know he would have done a biopsy first and that would have discovered the cancer. Kaiser thought different. I could not get Kaiser to agree to do this, they all said-15 weeks in size, nope way too big. I spoke to a GYN surgeon in Walnut Creek Kaiser, he said- maybe. Then after talking to me on the phone for 10 mins, said he had to check with some experts. 2 days later he leaves a message on my phone. "Suzanne, I think I talked to you last week and I checked with my experts, I won’t be doing your surgery, I will refer you back to your doctor (who does not do surgery) because you possibly have cancer-CLICK. Well, that was another out of my mind weekend. All while the clock was ticking for me.My doctor is going on vacation and tells me-"you will have to find someone in Hayward or Oakland to help you. No one in the diablo area will help you. Yes, I did all the work calling and calling (you know the call center) and I finally got to talk to a real nurse in a real GYN office in Hayward. She gave me an appointment for the next day and a pencil in for Aug 18 fibroid surgery.Dr Sam Young was kind, loving and attentive. He did a pelvic and says "wow, this has grown, it is no longer 15 weeks in size, more like 20 weeks, this is rapidly growing. I am going to order a CA125 blood test, if the numbers come back high, I won’t be doing your surgery, and you will see a specialist in Oakland".A few days later I am in the GYN Oncologist office in Oakland. He is looking at my CT scan and MRI. He says "very defiantly you have will be next Tuesday". Believe me, there is not enough time, you make lists of what you need to do. SHOCK… big time. I stayed strong, however, I was a basket case on the inside, all the WHAT IF’S. Mentally starting to plan my funeral (I have found out this is common) and then feeling guilty about think that!My main rock was Barry, my best friend. Many of you may know him as Carl, because, his birth name was Carl Bayard Johnston, named after his father and family always called him Barry. He kept me strong. How was I to tell my children? It was very difficult. I wanted to be straight forward (as you know I am), yet I didn’t want to freak them out. I wanted to give them the best picture of my recovery.July 25. Barry, Joe and Deb (son and wife) go to Kaiser Oakland for a 9:30am check in. Surgery started at 12 noon, it lasted 6 hours. Recovery at 6pm for the fight of my life. I was in so much pain I could only shallow breath and not move at all. I can only remember saying "please help me" over and over. I was struggling to breathe, I wanted to sleep, but when I would sleep I would stop breathing. The nurses had a hard time getting my pain under control; it was a 10+ in pain. I really thought I was dying. I went to recovery at 6pm and finally at 10pm Barry, Joe and Deb stormed in. They would wait no longer. I felt their energy from yards away. It gave me strength. The nurse allowed one at a time to be with me. I remember Joe says "mom, wake up, breathe". I remember Barry and his strength by my side, made me want to fight, and I remember Deb's loving touch on my arm.I told them to leave I had to be alone to fight. I could spare no energy for anyone else.The nurse got an OK for more morphine and it took the pain down to a 5. Finally I had some relief. I was lucky, there were no beds open in the hospital. I stayed in recovery till 5pm the next day. I think it saved my life. I had a nurse at the foot of my bed all night. One of the nurses fought for me. The hospital called and said we have a room for Ms Robles, a middle bed in a 3 bed room. I heard her say "No absolutely not, you must do better" and slammed the phone down. An hour later I was wheeled into a private room. YEAH!!!The rest of my stay is a blur. Its not joke when they say you can’t sleep in a hospital. Some one came in at least every 4 hours to do something, take blood, do blood pressure, and check my IV.Something I learned was that when people visit, you the patient give your energy to them. You don’t try just happens. So remember to keep your visits short, when someone is in serious condition.Now I am staying at Joe and Debs in Livermore for recovery. I am managing my energy. Some days I do too much and I have to back down and rest, in fact I am really tired most of the time. It was only the 25th that I was in surgery. I have a 12 to 14 inch incision from above my belly button all the way to below my pelvis bone. It is healing quite nicely and the swelling is going down.My other son Rod , his wife Lara and my grandson Jake came from Texas for a few, that really felt good.On Fridays August 9th, Barry will take me to a (famous) specialist at the Monterey Community Hospital for his opinion of what treatment I can do. On Thursday the 17th, I have a consultation appointment at Kaiser Walnut Creek for their thoughts on chemo. I am going to do chemo; the doctor could not get all the cancer.I will keep you posted as I go to each appointment and all that follows.To all of you reading this: I have every intention of living. I am fighting this monster. The only job I have right now is to get myself well. I have always done my jobs superbly. Remember this...facts are facts. It is the ATTITUDE that counts. My attitude along with your positive thoughts and prayers is going to make me the survivor I am.Love, Suzanne

Yikes!...body parts missing
Ok, so who cares! but I forgot to tell you WHAT they took out. I was amazed, and today I am feeling so much better. Its hard to imagine that July 25th I had such serious surgery. Missing parts...both tubes, both ovaries,all of uterus, appendix, most of cervix, and a fatty (YEAH! ) apron that hangs over your stomach. I have lost 15 pounds, which is great, however I can't spare any more and have to increase my intake. Hardly any of my clothes fit, thay hang like a sack. But I guess thats not a bad problem to have !! I went to a specialist today, friday in Monterey. I will report on that sat. I am way too tired Thanks. friends. I love your feedback. Suzanne
Stay tuned…
I had a bad night last night (Sunday). I am doing nothing today. I will report later. Love Suzanne