This blog will chronicle my journey surviving ovarian cancer

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Tuesaday 8pm, Aug 22
It could not have been a better day!

Thank you Nancy Maxwell for calling Susan Watson.

Friends , over more that 12-15 years ago I lived in Fresno and Nancy,Susan, and I were the "rat pack". After moving to the east coast for a few years and then to Livermore, Susan and I lost touch. I heard she married Warren Lev and I was really happy for her-I knew it would be a nice fit.
Today as I was getting my chemo treatment a nurse came to the door and said "Susan Watson is here to see you" I was shocked!
Suzan's daughter lives in Monterey and she was due for a visit.
A tearful reunion it was. I was so great to see her, she brought her friend named Mary, who I remember from Fresno.
We talked about old times, new times and a promise to stay connected. Susan, you need to know, it made my day.!
The chemo treatment went fine. They got an IV that will stay in a few days. There is no feeling of fluids going in. And so bad side effects. I am grateful.
Weds I go at 9am and will report back. But I have to tell you, this part is very smooth. I have fantastic meditation tapes. I am reading Berney Siegal's book "Love,Medicine abd Miracles" and meditation tapes-I highy recommend these. Stay tuned, Love Suzanne


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