Communications fm Carl/Barry...
Hi... I am Carl/Barry and I am typing as Suzanne dictates. These are her words. She is just too weak to focus and think about exactly how to make the keyboard work.
It has been a long time since I kept you up-to-date, reason being this chemo has REALLY taken a toll on me. Each day I seem to get high fevers at various times, must have someone with me now, because I never know when the fever will arrive. So, each day I thought I would get better and would write the next day. Fact is, I have not. My CA125 is at 650. When I had surgery my CA 125 was at 1200.
It all seems to have steadily gone down-hill since my CA125 hit 110. No rebounding, no sense of recovery any day. So, the doctor says "This chemo is not working... we can try another one" and I'm thinking all the while "my clock is ticking". Last Thursday she told me I had 6 - 12 months left. I will not go on chemo. This is no life. I would rather die a natural cancer death with hospice than to endure what these last weeks have been...and for nothing.
So what am I going to do ??
I'll tell you. I am delving into all of my research ... and I am going to find an alternative. The medical doctors are offerring me nothing.
Younger son Rodney & his family will arrive next weekend fm Austin for a week's stay. Before he departs he will help me relocate to Deb & older son Joe's house, to enable my condo to be shown at any time without disturbance.
I guess what I've have learned this week is that doctors cannot (don't?) get personally involved. They have too big a case load... too many people they are seeing. For their own protection, they must remain "outside the loop" and do not become personally involved.
For a few days, I made the mistake of allowing my doctor to direct my thoughts.
I have learned this week that you cannot allow ANY human being to take away your hope.
Love... Suzanne
Hi... I am Carl/Barry and I am typing as Suzanne dictates. These are her words. She is just too weak to focus and think about exactly how to make the keyboard work.
It has been a long time since I kept you up-to-date, reason being this chemo has REALLY taken a toll on me. Each day I seem to get high fevers at various times, must have someone with me now, because I never know when the fever will arrive. So, each day I thought I would get better and would write the next day. Fact is, I have not. My CA125 is at 650. When I had surgery my CA 125 was at 1200.
It all seems to have steadily gone down-hill since my CA125 hit 110. No rebounding, no sense of recovery any day. So, the doctor says "This chemo is not working... we can try another one" and I'm thinking all the while "my clock is ticking". Last Thursday she told me I had 6 - 12 months left. I will not go on chemo. This is no life. I would rather die a natural cancer death with hospice than to endure what these last weeks have been...and for nothing.
So what am I going to do ??
I'll tell you. I am delving into all of my research ... and I am going to find an alternative. The medical doctors are offerring me nothing.
Younger son Rodney & his family will arrive next weekend fm Austin for a week's stay. Before he departs he will help me relocate to Deb & older son Joe's house, to enable my condo to be shown at any time without disturbance.
I guess what I've have learned this week is that doctors cannot (don't?) get personally involved. They have too big a case load... too many people they are seeing. For their own protection, they must remain "outside the loop" and do not become personally involved.
For a few days, I made the mistake of allowing my doctor to direct my thoughts.
I have learned this week that you cannot allow ANY human being to take away your hope.
Love... Suzanne
You are still a strong, vibrant cancer survivor! I would like to suggest that you drop the price of your home drastically - homes are still selling but people want a bargain right now. Then as soon as you feel better, without the effects of chemo, go on those trips you wanted to take. In the meantime what can I do for you? Help pack things for you, read to you, pray with you - just let me know. Don't try to do this on your own - I want to be with you & help in any way I can. I love you, mj
MJ, at 1:58 PM
Hi there,
Thank you for sharing your journey.
Suzanne, I am going to be bold and make a suggestion, of which I realize I have no right. LIVE as much and as best you can RIGHT NOW because this is terminal disease and it can be an all consuming fight to pay any price to fix it. I understand and would also do what you have done but probably not as well with as much commitment as you have. You are QUITE A WOMAN!!
But now let the scales balance more in living this life and still believe and accept the light of hope. If you can, NOW... travel, laugh, eat, play, and enjoy what this life and your family friends have to offer. Kiss and hug, smell and smile, cry and scream, ASK FOR WHAT YOU NEED, please let you. You have cancer, it doesn't have you. You are not dead, you don't need to be strong or happy or anything but true to yourself. Let what this life has to offer into your heart. After all that is really all that matters. 6 months to a year of peace, joy and a chance to love, forgive, touch those you love and love you is something to embrace. Hospice can help with many of your needs and no cost. Explore their offerings.
I realize these sounds like a lecture, but I think about you and pray for you several times a day. I pray for your peace, no pain, little or big moments of joy, whatever you need. I pray you can sleep well, enjoy your family and friends and most of all let you know how grateful I am to have shared a few laughs, a little philosophy, a couple of good glasses of wine, and loved hearing of yours and Barry's adventures. You two are a good team. You have lived your life with gusto and worked hard to be YOU! I so admire you for that.
I know these sounds like I think you are all done, but not so, I want you to know these things when you can still enjoy these thoughts of love and support behind this message.
Beat this damn cancer and make me eat this message, I'll eat crow or anything else, and I want what you want. Again, if I can do anything or you want to talk or visit or have me visit, just say so. You have no idea how you’re sharing has touched my heart. Thanks Suzanne for this gift.
Rita K
Rita K, at 11:08 AM
I read your blog and am inspired. I think it will make a lot of people full of positive hope and also prayer.
Don't take your doctor's word as final words of hope. I had a dr. recently who told me, after finding a 5 inch cyst, "Don't worry." She handed me birth control. I had other isssues with that center so I ordered my records, and my CA 125 was FLAGGED and was 425. She didn't even call me. It is now at 275 and, luckily, a friend recommended an EXCELLENT surgeon at Cedars Sinai in LA, 25 miles away. I'll drive.
Stacy, at 8:00 PM
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Unknown, at 11:15 AM
This blog is a great source of information which is really very useful for me. Thank you very much for this important information.
Anonymous, at 1:56 AM
This blog is great source of information which is very useful for me. Thank you very much.
Mathew, at 3:41 AM
ovarian cancer
Unknown, at 12:28 PM
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