And away we go...GOOD NEWS!
Dr Kaufman at Kaiser reports that my latest CT scan shows NO GROWTH of tumor. Now that is good news! However, it does not mean I dont have cancer. I still do and my body may always have it. It is a matter of keeping it under control.
Wednesday after noon I have my consultation with Dr Stritter, the advocate. I am hoping that in all the local Kaiser's there must be ONE doctor who thinks like I want him/her to think. I want a doctor to tell me there is HOPE, and that they have SEEN miracles and if I am ready to fight hard, they are right there with me.
I was thinking about the cost and time to travel to any of these Cancer Centers. There are Kaisers in Fremont, San Jose, Richmond, Martinez, Oakland and maybe more. I am paying for this insurance, why shouldnt I get what I need?
I know I have been telling you about the research I have been doing. Much of it is in the way of nutrition. Many of you know I have been a healthy eater, chomping on carrot sticks and salads all the time. Yet I am learning so much more about being HEALTHY...instead of "thin".
I have embraced the Cancer Battle Plan and THE PH Miracle. I start out with juicing ( for days!!)and supplements. Did I say, juicing and more juicing and MORE juicing ( that is to get the build up of bad stuff OUT). Eight times a day, that really keeps me busy. And keeping enough vegtables, you really go thru a lot! AND then there is the coffee enemas ( ok, I wont elaborate on that one!)It helps take toxic out of your liver.
It really is time consumning. The first day so far is the hardest. Today is my secound day and I am feeling Ok. I also am still taking the products from Oasis that boost you up. It gives me cell regeneration, supports my immune system nd powerful antioxidant protection. The idea of The PH Miracle is : if a fish was sick in the fish bowl, would you keep giving the fish pills/medicine to kill the sickness OR would you keep changing the water and having the fish in clean water. I hope that makes sense.
The PH Miracle is about balance of the alkaline and acid in your blood. Mostly raw vegatbles (80) and cooked veg (20). You eat nothing that has a face on it. That means giving up my BBQ steaks, wine and all those other good things. To lick this cancer I am willing. I must make radical changes in my life.
By the way, Barry has decided to try it out also. That support makes it so much more doable.
Ther are 3 things I want to heal and in this order. Cancer, left hip problem and regain my smell and taste.
On thursday I have a bone scan for my left hip. I have had trouble with my hip for a few years and recently it has gotten so bad that I cant walk very far, cant do my power walkiing that I so enjoy. Xray shows it is probably degenerative, but it is close to my left ovary , so Dr Ewing had ordered the test to be safe. They will give me a shot of "something" and I come back 3 hours later for the test. It must ulluminate my bones.
Sandy Molinari ( my friend who got me started on Oasis products) passed some info along that I would like to share.
In a book written by David Riccos ( 5 things we can not change) he defines a heroe.
Some one who has lived thru pain; been transformned by it and uses it to help others.
Many of you are hereos, and I want to be a heroe too.
Love, Suzanne a cancer survivor
Dr Kaufman at Kaiser reports that my latest CT scan shows NO GROWTH of tumor. Now that is good news! However, it does not mean I dont have cancer. I still do and my body may always have it. It is a matter of keeping it under control.
Wednesday after noon I have my consultation with Dr Stritter, the advocate. I am hoping that in all the local Kaiser's there must be ONE doctor who thinks like I want him/her to think. I want a doctor to tell me there is HOPE, and that they have SEEN miracles and if I am ready to fight hard, they are right there with me.
I was thinking about the cost and time to travel to any of these Cancer Centers. There are Kaisers in Fremont, San Jose, Richmond, Martinez, Oakland and maybe more. I am paying for this insurance, why shouldnt I get what I need?
I know I have been telling you about the research I have been doing. Much of it is in the way of nutrition. Many of you know I have been a healthy eater, chomping on carrot sticks and salads all the time. Yet I am learning so much more about being HEALTHY...instead of "thin".
I have embraced the Cancer Battle Plan and THE PH Miracle. I start out with juicing ( for days!!)and supplements. Did I say, juicing and more juicing and MORE juicing ( that is to get the build up of bad stuff OUT). Eight times a day, that really keeps me busy. And keeping enough vegtables, you really go thru a lot! AND then there is the coffee enemas ( ok, I wont elaborate on that one!)It helps take toxic out of your liver.
It really is time consumning. The first day so far is the hardest. Today is my secound day and I am feeling Ok. I also am still taking the products from Oasis that boost you up. It gives me cell regeneration, supports my immune system nd powerful antioxidant protection. The idea of The PH Miracle is : if a fish was sick in the fish bowl, would you keep giving the fish pills/medicine to kill the sickness OR would you keep changing the water and having the fish in clean water. I hope that makes sense.
The PH Miracle is about balance of the alkaline and acid in your blood. Mostly raw vegatbles (80) and cooked veg (20). You eat nothing that has a face on it. That means giving up my BBQ steaks, wine and all those other good things. To lick this cancer I am willing. I must make radical changes in my life.
By the way, Barry has decided to try it out also. That support makes it so much more doable.
Ther are 3 things I want to heal and in this order. Cancer, left hip problem and regain my smell and taste.
On thursday I have a bone scan for my left hip. I have had trouble with my hip for a few years and recently it has gotten so bad that I cant walk very far, cant do my power walkiing that I so enjoy. Xray shows it is probably degenerative, but it is close to my left ovary , so Dr Ewing had ordered the test to be safe. They will give me a shot of "something" and I come back 3 hours later for the test. It must ulluminate my bones.
Sandy Molinari ( my friend who got me started on Oasis products) passed some info along that I would like to share.
In a book written by David Riccos ( 5 things we can not change) he defines a heroe.
Some one who has lived thru pain; been transformned by it and uses it to help others.
Many of you are hereos, and I want to be a heroe too.
Love, Suzanne a cancer survivor
Suzanne, at 12:20 PM
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