This blog will chronicle my journey surviving ovarian cancer

Monday, September 25, 2006


Of happiness and joy. Tonight, Monday , I had a healing, with the women I love , support and have history. A friend, Clare who I met when I was a fashion maven at Macy's was the leader of my community healing. All faiths and beliefs united under one community umbrella for the good of Suzanne. For those who dont know, in my past I had a wonderful job training personal shoppers (how to be personal shoppers). And traveling northern california doing "dress for success" seminars for corporations representing macy's. Clare at that time was the personal shopper for men. She has always been involved in womens studies. After all these years she has evolved. Now she makes beautiful jewerly, sold at stores that most of us cant afford. (like $10,000 for a bracelet) Clare has continued her development in womens studies.

She held a healing session for me and I invited some of my loooong time women friends to participate ( 6 plus Clare and myself attended). My daughter's in law sent their wishes and prayers, which Clare read and relayed to the group. Powerful...can you get it? So many families have such hostilities in their relationships, and I only have love, support and respect from my daughter's in law. How lucky I am that my sons were drawn to these women.

My long time friend Michelle ( who did the research for clinical trials) could not attend and sent a wonderful positive note that Clare read.

What a powerful evening it was. To have these women who I feel strongly about telling me their feelings and thoughts about me. Some of these relationships go back over 40 the wise folks say "they showed up for me".

Clare talked about how we develop as women, from babies into puberty into birthing our own babies into...our development as "real" woman...and on and on.

I feel so lucky to have 2 sons who love and respect me, who are close to me. The sons who I gave birth to and I have led them into the life they have. So grand.

I was acknowleged for my intuitive nature, something I have always known, however I thought everyone else had it also.

At some point, I was on a futon in the middle of the room, with each women kneeling around me. Clare brought a dish of pearls and each person selected one, held my hand and read a prayer, or said good things about me. These pearls will be made into a healing bracelet that I will wear all the way thru chemo. A memento/a reminder of the women who love and support me and my healing. Very powerful, giving me the strengh to heal fight on. I must remember, Suzanne must carry the tourch for Suzanne. I MUST be the leader. If I become weak or fall, I do have back up who will carry on for me until I regain my strength. Truth be known, I have discoverd hundreds of people who will HELP me carry on.
This was a pivital night. A time that strengthened me.

Tuesday, Barry and I will drive to Santa monica for a Weds interview with the Sarcoma Institute. We will discuss what they have to offer and if this clinical trial is for me. I will need to make a decision by friday. What will I do, the cliical trial (which I understand is a pill and FDA approved)or continue with chemo in Monterey. I will rely upon my intuitive nature and the higher power for that direction. I need not worry-It will be clear.

I do believe, I will be on stage somewhere saying "my name is Suzanne Robles, and I am a cancer this fits or works out I dont know. It will unfold.

Thank you to my friends: Anita (40+ years) Georgianne (5/6 years) Jackie (2 years) Denise (7/8 years) Kate ( 20+ years) MJ (36+ years) and Clare (20+years) This evening meant alot to me. I love all of you.
As Anita said tonight "men may pat your ass, however women will cover your ass!)...Looooove it!
I will not have internet access for a few days. I will keep you posted regarding the trials and my decision. Love, Suzanne =


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