False Alarm
Friday I saw Dr Ewing ( He did my surgery) because I had this burning, stabbing knife pain in my stomach area. He gave me a complete exam and said I am doing very well. He pressed on "THE SPOT" of pain and his only thought was that I had pulled something. He said "you are still healing". While I grab a pillow when I sneeze or laugh, there some moments when it takes me by suprise. I could have pulled a deep muscle. Time will tell.
He said it is really common to knee jerk after going thru my cancer experience. Every little pain etc you think it is cancer and you want to react right away. He says it goes away in a few years.
YEARS, he said years?? I thought I was to get my affairs in order and fight for my life. That felt kinda good. I have tried to "read" in his eyes what he was thinking my time was based on his experience. Doctors are VERY careful about telling you a time-they only imply in a very general way.
More evidence for me that I need to relax more, keep my mind on the positive track. I have read plenty about people sent home "terminal" and 10 years later they are living a complete life.
When I was with Mary I told her that if everyone has died from this desease in a short time, some one someday has to be the one to live. AND that will be ME! (she probably thinks I am over the top!). Think about it...it is true, SOMEONE has to be the first. Why not me? Love Suzanne
Friday I saw Dr Ewing ( He did my surgery) because I had this burning, stabbing knife pain in my stomach area. He gave me a complete exam and said I am doing very well. He pressed on "THE SPOT" of pain and his only thought was that I had pulled something. He said "you are still healing". While I grab a pillow when I sneeze or laugh, there some moments when it takes me by suprise. I could have pulled a deep muscle. Time will tell.
He said it is really common to knee jerk after going thru my cancer experience. Every little pain etc you think it is cancer and you want to react right away. He says it goes away in a few years.
YEARS, he said years?? I thought I was to get my affairs in order and fight for my life. That felt kinda good. I have tried to "read" in his eyes what he was thinking my time was based on his experience. Doctors are VERY careful about telling you a time-they only imply in a very general way.
More evidence for me that I need to relax more, keep my mind on the positive track. I have read plenty about people sent home "terminal" and 10 years later they are living a complete life.
When I was with Mary I told her that if everyone has died from this desease in a short time, some one someday has to be the one to live. AND that will be ME! (she probably thinks I am over the top!). Think about it...it is true, SOMEONE has to be the first. Why not me? Love Suzanne
heard of you through Ben C. You write with such heart. Know that many of us will be sending you healing thoughts.
Remember the many
compartments of the heart,
the seed of what is
possible. So much of who
we are is defined by
the places we hold for each
other. For it is not our ingenuity
that sets us apart, but our
capacity for love, the
possibility our way will
be lit by grace. Our hearts
prisms, chiseling out the
colors of pure light.
- Kare
KareAnderson, at 12:23 PM
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