This blog will chronicle my journey surviving ovarian cancer

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Industrial strength bummer

Monday I found out my CA125 had jumped to 110. Needless to say I was outta my mind. I was steadly doing so well,I was a crying mess that day. Tuesday I saw my oncologist that said, it could have been a mistake, we will rerun it and order a stat CAT scan. She just called this am and said the CA125 is now 149. That means in 4 days it has gome from 110 to 149. The tumor is growing.

The first day I was down for the count, but tuesday I got back on my feet and I am back in the fight.

I will most likely start some chemo, along with some "creative oncology" reccommemed by Pine Street Clinic.

I am w a i t i n g for Pine Street to call back. It is hard, makes me wish I had a pager attached to him. I need my answers now. When my life is at stake , I tend to get a little panicky.
I still am in my mind I run my life fast long do I have?
I will write more once I know more. Love, Suzanne STILL a cancer survivor


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