This blog will chronicle my journey surviving ovarian cancer

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

YEAH ! ! ! CA125 is down to 24

Each month I get a blood test, CA125. That test measures tumor growth, or shrinkage. I have gone from 1200( at surgery) to 35, last month 27 and now 24. That is GOOD news.

Break new subject...

Last week I had my appointment with Michael Broffman at the Pine Street Clinic. He was full of information as to "Creative Oncology". He has a ton of resources regarding unusual cancer treatment, info on protocol cancer treatments in Asia. He also has information on supplements and herbs used to fight cancer and the reoccurance of cancer.
One book to read is The China Study, startling implcations for diet, weight loss and long term health. I have ordered it and it will go in my "have to read stack" (which is already getting unmanageable)

I have numerous reports to read from Michael on all these unigue treatments. Some are not available in the US, yet used in other countries successfully. These products can be ordered, if I choose to do that treatment.
He has changed some of the supplemnts I use. I am really happy that there are so many things I CAN DO to get my health back.
One of the supplements I have been taking is tumeric. He says that is good, except he would have me take a stronger formula "super curcumin extract with bioperine formula".
There is another treatment that when taken you smell like garlic, really STRONG garlic. He says it is taken for 30 days and most people would stay in the house. It must really be STRONG. If I need to do that I will!
There is also an informative site Lots of information on new cutting edge treatments, pills etc. for cancer.
I am feeling OK these days. Dr Stritter (patient advocate) told me 2 weeks ago that cancer hates exercise. So I have started back at the gym ( slowly) and hope to also build my stamana. I find that each day I need a nap. I long for the days that I can go power walking and lift those heavy weights. Funny, when people say enjoy and appreciate every day...I never realized when I was power walking and lifting weights that it could all go away. My hip is better because of this diet and supplements I am taking. Monday I have an appointment with a Kaiser doctor to discuss my hip problem-MAY be suggesting hip replacement. I am not ready for surgery again, too soon I think.
I notice that stress is really hard for me to handle. While I dont want for a stressful life, I would like to be able to tolerate a little more.

Now for the test! Thanksgiving, how do I celebrate with out eating all the "stuff" you usually eat. Remember I am eating only raw food (yes, it is getting tiring). I may have a bite of this or that. I am finding there are social events I dont go to because of my diet, such as a designer dinner with wine parings. Carl/Barry went and said the steak was like butter and the wines were excellant. When I come across situations like this or food I want to eat...I say to my self "you can go an eat and drink OR you can live". I know it seems extreme, well, what I am doing is EXTREME. I am fighting for my life. Remember all the "reports" say I have 6 months to 2 years. I cant wait to prove them all wrong. Some how, as I struggle thru this part of my life I have a sense that I will be helping other women. Dont know how yet, however it will come in due time. My guides (mom, dad, Cora and Zebra) tell me, be patient and take EACH STEP as it comes.
Wishing all of you a joyous Thanksgiving...I know mine will be. Love, Suzanne, a cancer survivor


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