This blog will chronicle my journey surviving ovarian cancer

Monday, November 06, 2006

Is this my imagination at work?

My 2cd "trip" with Dr Rossman was easier than my 1st. I relaxed and was ready for my next learning lesson. In this session I would discover a boss I had, her name is Cora. I worked at her beauty salon. She was a great spirited lady who was older than most of us and she loved to throw parties at her weekend house at the delta.
Here she was by my side, here to help me heal. Cora is a wise spirit. She says I need to be open to all ideas-in the spirit and earthly word to heal my cancer. I also must do due dillegence before I chase down the road of new treatments.

Also a zebra appeared on my left side ( I know goofy!). I have had the zebra come to me in dreams before. The zebra is about contradictions, the dark brown and white stripes. Should I do chemo or should I do holistic? The zebra says-pick one and follow it.
Dr Rossman says is your father there? No, however I did ask him to come and in a nano secound he was there. He told me to listen to what Cora had to say.
OK, so at the very end of my session I was given an assignment from Cora and my dad.
This assignment is hard, not something I really wanted to do. Am I capable of doing it, yes. Will I do it, yes.
The assignment is to list everyone I need to forgive. This is not just "BIG DEAL" forgivness, but any one I might have a smidgin (is that a word?) of anger toward. Geez's there is not enough paper in the world for this.
Cora and dad told me the forgivness is not something I have to do for the people I need to forgive. It is for ME. I carry the burden. They said I need to lift the load I carry, by listing and forgiving. And my dad said to start with my brothers...UGH !!! I wont go into the long story about them. I feel as if they were raised by a different family. They are both so different than me ( or I am different than them). One could easily have passed on, he was into drugs. The other was a VERY difficult personality. Both college graduates, yet lived uneducated lives ( one is proffessional paper boy). I have no contact with them and really dont want to open a can of worms by calling/writing to tell them I forgive them.
So I will do it for ME in a way that works for ME.
The first name on the list is Suzanne. I have so much that I need to forgive myself for.
This is a heavy duty assignment for me, however it must be done.
Love, Suzanne, a cancer survivor


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